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"Oh yeah? Says who?"


Updated: Jan 18, 2020

They were, after all, two undeniable facts, inescapable truths, so apparent to a small boy growing up in North Carolina during the nineteen fifties with two older sisters that they needed never be discussed.

They weren't theorems requiring proof or chains of reasoning to establish their existence.

Their reality was so evident and so clearly known that they needed not be taught at all.

In fact, theses truisms were so commonplace, so mainstream throughout society of the day, that they were most often "caught rather than taught."

So much a part of our everyday fabric, they were simply accepted, somewhat like girls preferring hop-scotch at recess, or boys collecting and trading baseball cards with the savvy and acumen of a Wall Street banker.

They were ingrained in us deeply and often, only ever used with a certain artful finesse as a salient point of argument in the squabbling of siblings, (generally, two against one in my case).

And, like most facts acquired in those formative years, they were identified and easily held with unquestioned certitude, somewhat like the incontrovertible culinary skill resulting in the choice of hotdogs or macaroni over a steaming plate of turnips or broccoli.

Every boy, every girl, every mother, every father, every teacher and even politicians accepted and embraced their veracity: "that you can't always have it your way" and "you can't make something true, just by saying so."


Maybe someone should enlighten the national media and some of our politicians of these long-lost concepts.

Until next time, "Boomer."



©2024 Adrian L. Kerley

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